The AHPC research group participated in the EUC Research Day 2019 organized by the EUC – Research Office of European University Cyprus on the 10th of April 2019. EUC considers research activity and the development of network between academia and research very vital for the cultivation of a research culture and for the development of innovation in Cyprus.  The aim of this event is to raise awareness of students and the general public regarding the research and innovation activities implemented by EUC.

AHPC research group participated in the event with a booth with the title “What happens when a black hole destroys a star”. This activity gave the opportunity to the general public to get to know and understand the recent discovery by members of the group of the phenomenon of the destruction of a star by a supermassive black hole, known as a tidal disruption event (TDE). This discovery was recently reported in the journal Science and attracted a lot of interest by various media (e.g. ).

Other activities presented by the group members at the event covered other aspects of the work of the research of the, such as activities for underfunding of parallel and distributed computation.

The AHPC research group presented also results of finished research projects of the group including the FP7 project Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP) and the H2020 project CSRC. Finally the AHPC research group presented information on the recently funded research projects including the GRATOS (EXCELLENCE/1216/0207) funded by the Cyprus Research Foundation.