Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships (IF) 2017
The 2017 Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) – Individual Fellowships (IF) call is now open.
This is an excellent opportunity for post-doctoral positions in Europe and the Astrophysics and High Performance Computing (AHPC) group here at the European University Cyprus (EUC), would warmly welcome and cooperate with any eligible applicant who wishes to submit to the MSCA-IF call next September.
The call documents, including the Guide for Applicants, are available on the Participant Portal.
The call deadline is 17:00 Brussels time (18:00 Cyprus time) on 14 September 2017.
In the case of interest, the young researchers can get in touch with AHPC ( or with Prof. Andreas Efstathiou directly.
AHPC may also be able to provide support for the preparation of the proposal through our contacts.